Simple Happiness Biz PLR Planners and Journals Shop
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The Simple Happiness Biz PLR Planners and Journals Shop Provides Low Content Done-For-You PLR Printable Templates by Jan Small, the creator of The Simple Happiness Biz PLR Planners and Journals Shop.
The Simple Happiness Biz PLR Planners and Journals Shop has a wide variety of done-for-you high quality commercial low content Journal and Planner PLR products and templates. You can edit, brand, publish and sell their products for profit!
Introducing The…
Simple Happiness Biz PLR Planners and Journals Shop
The Simple Happiness Biz PLR Planners and Journals Shop Features:
The Simple Happiness Biz PLR Planners and Journals Shop not only has some of the best PLR printable planners and journals around but they also provide excellent information and tips in their blog posts. Their goal is to provide you with the products, resources and knowledge to succeed as an entrepreneur or publisher online.
Get access to Low Content Printables Like:
- Journals
- Planners
- Coloring Pages
- Calendars
- Bundles
- Workbooks
- And more
Here’s Some Of Their Latest Product Releases:
30 Day Gratitude Journal
Flamingo Walking Journal
Blue Walking Journal
Walking Journal Bundle
Your Business Best Seller Workbook
Mix & Match Planners Bundle
Pretty Pink Reading Journal
Mimosa Reading Journal
Coloring & Reading Journal
Dandelion Reading Journal
What you can do with SimpleHappiness.biz PLR Content:
- YES Completed product can be sold or given away in PDF format
- YES Text and images can be edited/deleted
- YES Can be branded as your own
- YES Completed product can be added to paid or free membership sites
- YES Can be bundled with other products in PDF form
What you can’t do with SimpleHappiness.biz PLR Content:
- NO Cannot be copyrighted
- NO Cannot share the download page with others
- NO Cannot pass on the PLR rights to others whether for sale, for free or in membership site. You must sell or give away a completed product only. The PPTX files and PNG files may not be passed on.
- NO Graphics cannot be deconstructed or extracted to use in other projects
- NO Cannot use Simplehappiness.biz or Jan Small name on the finished product
Why Choose The Simple Happiness Biz PLR Planners and Journals Shop?
- Get a FREE 30 page gratitude journal with PLR commercial rights on this store
- Some of the best PLR Printable Planners and Journals online
- This shop has printables in the in-demand happiness niche
The Simple Happiness Biz PLR Planners and Journals Shop is an outstanding place in which you can get all your favorite printables. Their resources and blog posts is one of their best features for publishers, apart from their excellent PLR printable products. Use our link below to check out this store and everything it has to offer, if you have a publishing business, want passive income or simply want to profit!
See The Simple Happiness Biz PLR Planners and Journals Shop For Yourself – Click HereOther Products You Might Like

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