Kids Adventure PLR Printable Coloring Bookmarks
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The Kids Adventure PLR Printable Coloring Bookmarks Pack – Includes Editable Canva Printable Bookmark Templates With Commercial Use Rights
The Kids Adventure PLR Printable Bookmarks Package provides you with 5 Printable Bookmark Coloring Templates. All files are easy to edit and publish via Canva so that you can create new unique products and PLR printables that you can sell for profit on your low-content publishing store or use for your own needs.
Introducing The…
Kids Adventure PLR Printable Coloring Bookmarks
Here’s exactly what you’re getting in this 5-Poster PLR Printable Design Pack:
Make reading an exciting adventure for kids with our Kids Adventure PLR Printable Bookmarks.
At Buy Quality PLR, we offer a delightful collection of printable bookmarks designed specifically for children, combining the joy of coloring with the love for reading.
Our Kids Adventure PLR Printables feature charming illustrations and engaging themes that appeal to children of all ages.
From cute animals and fantastical creatures to adventurous scenes and inspiring quotes, our collection offers a variety of options to suit different interests and preferences.
With our PLR (Private Label Rights) license, you have the freedom to customize and personalize the bookmarks according to your needs.
You can add your own branding, modify the designs, and even include additional text or images.
These versatile bookmarks can be used for personal enjoyment, educational purposes, or as giveaways and incentives in schools, libraries, or children’s events.
The combination of coloring and reading promotes creativity, imagination, and a love for books.
Our Kids PLR Printable Coloring Bookmarks provide a fun and interactive way for children to engage with their favorite stories and characters.
They can express their creativity by coloring the bookmarks, making reading a more enjoyable and immersive experience.
You Get:
- 5 Coloring Bookmark PLR Printable Designs
- Editable Canva Templates Link
- Commercial Use License
Here Are All of The Bookmark Coloring PLR Templates You’ll Be Getting:
The Kids Adventure PLR Printable Bookmarks are just for you if you’re looking for PLR Printable Bookmarks that can be used to create your own unique printables and profit! Perfect for you if you have a publishing business and are looking for new products or printables.
Click the button below to purchase this product!
- 5 Individual Coloring Bookmarks In Canva, PNG, PDF, And PowerPoint Format
- Total File Download Size – 5.3 MB
Here are the Licence Terms:
What You Can Do:- You can sell this product in a non-editable format like PDF to sell to your customer for personal use.
- You can sell this product as a physical product.
- You can use this product to build an email list.
- You can edit the product and brand it with your name and company branding.
- You can resell the product as your own.
- You can include the product in a bundle or package.
- You cannot sell this product with PLR or resell rights. This license is for you only.
- You cannot sell this product with its editable source files.
- Please set a fair price when you sell and do not give the product away for free unless you’re using it to build an email list
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