PLR Planners Low Content Printables Shop
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The PLR Planners Low Content Printables Shop Provides Low Content Done-For-You PLR Printable Templates by Diana Heuser, the creator of The PLR Planners Low Content Printables Shop.
The PLR Planners Low Content Printables Shop has a wide variety of done-for-you high quality commercial low content PLR products and templates. You can edit, brand, publish and sell their products for profit!
Introducing The…
PLR Planners Low Content Printables Shop
The PLR Planners Low Content Printables Shop Features:
The PLR Planners Low Content Printables Shop not only has some of the best PLR printables around but they also provide training and excellent courses. Their goal is to provide you with the products, resources and knowledge to succeed as an entrepreneur or publisher online.
Get access to Low Content Printables Like:
- Planner Templates
- Journal Templates
- Activity Books
- Printables
- Coloring Books
- POD Products
- Stickers
- Digital Planners
- Covers
- Courses
- And much more
Here’s Some Of Their Latest Product Releases:
Economic Crisis Templates
Easter Dream Graphics Resource Pack
Digital Planner Spiral Maker
Rustic Easter Planner
Mellow Yellow 2022 Weekly Planner
Bullet Journal Templates
Digital Paper Alchemy
Retro Style Digital Covers
Vintage Floral Digital Covers
Mothers Day Journal
What you can do with PLRPlanners.com PLR Content:
- Create a single layer flattened jpg or transparent file for resale to others.
- You may give your buyers PLR (Private Label Rights) use rights on the finished items
- They may use it for the following for their own books, journals and planners that they sell on Etsy, Amazon or their own domains etc:
Create books covers
Create borders and pages for journals and planners
Limited run of POD items
Stickers - You may use the templates to create digital (only) scrapbooking kits for resale.
What you can’t do with PLRPlanners.com PLR Content:
- Sell the source files either on their own or as a pack.
- Transfer the Master Resale Rights to your customers on the finished products i.e. they may not sell the finished product you create to others.
- Turn any of the designs over to any company for bulk production such as textile, wallpaper printing companies etc.
- Claim copyright on the original designs or patterns. Copyright remains with the designers
Why Choose The PLR Planners Low Content Printables Shop?
- Has a one on one training program for those of you who want to learn
- Get access to the FREE Spiral Profits Training Membership by subscribing to their newsletter
- Has plenty of video training courses and freebies just for you
The PLR Planners Low Content Printables Shop is an outstanding place in which you can get all your favorite printables but also learning and use their training options. Their resources is one of their best features for publishers, from free video training to joining their membership program for more products and tips. Use our link below to check out this store and everything it has to offer, if you have a publishing business, want passive income or simply want to profit!
See The PLR Planners Low Content Printables Shop For Yourself – Click HereYour Recently Viewed Products
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