Create a Planner in Power Point Over the Shoulder Video Training Course
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Create a Planner in Power Point Over the Shoulder Video Training Course By Lori Winslow – Includes Step By Step Video Training And More
In this Create a Planner in Power Point Over the Shoulder Video Training Course you’ll learn exactly how to be successful when trying to make money online by providing you with the knowledge and training that will help you and your business succeed when publishing and creating PLR Printable Products!
Introducing The…
Create a Planner in Power Point Over the Shoulder Video Training Course
Here’s what you’ll learn with this amazing Create a Planner in Power Point Over the Shoulder Video Training Course:
Watch these short over the shoulder videos to easily create your own Planner in Power Point.
Learn How to Create:
- Monthly Calendar Page
- 1 & 2 Page Weekly Layouts
- Daily Planner Layout
- A basic journal page
- A To-Do List
6 Modules to follow along step by step
- Module 1 – Page Set-up (6:04)
- Module 2 – Monthly Layout (7:54)
- Module 3 – 1 & 2 Page Weekly Layout (6:25)
- Module 4 – Daily Page Layout (10:56)
- Module 5 – Journal & To-Do List (12:49)
- Module 6 – Printing & Selling (15:38)
- Plus 2 Bonus Modules – Layers in Power Point & Customizing Your Quick Access Toolbar
- Being Able to Build Your Own Custom Planner
- Being Able to Easily Edit other Templates
- Being Able to Create a Fully Branded Line of Printable Planners
- Creating a New Stream of Income
The Create a Planner in Power Point Over the Shoulder Video Training Course is perfect for those of you who want to generate new streams of income online and learn how to work with PLR And Printables. When you purchase this course get access to amazing training and more to educate yourself and ensure your business succeeds!
See The Create a Planner in Power Point Over the Shoulder Video Training Course For Yourself – Click HereOther Products You Might Like

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