Seasonal Printables Marathon Training
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The Seasonal Printables Marathon Training By Becky Beach – Includes Step By Step Video Training And Bonuses
In this Seasonal Printables Marathon Training you’ll learn exactly how to be successful when trying to make money online by providing you with the knowledge and training that will help you and your business succeed when publishing and creating PLR Printable Products!
Introducing The…
Seasonal Printables Marathon Training
Here’s what you’ll get with this Seasonal Printables Marathon Training:
During this actionable training, you’re going to be shown how to…
- Create gift tags
- Create scavenger hunts
- Create Christmas cards
- Create Secret Santa forms
- Create Dear Santa letters
- Create Christmas wall art
- Create Christmas countdown calendars
You get Training and BONUSES!
- Seasonal Printables Marathon 2 hour training
- BONUS: Christmas Countdown template
- BONUS: Dear Santa template
- BONUS: 2 Gift Tags templates
- BONUS: Secret Santa form template
- BONUS: 2 Christmas cards templates
- BONUS: 5 Christmas Wall art templates
- BONUS: Christmas scavenger hunt template
What license do I get with the printables and clipart?
- You can only resell the printables for personal use. You have to create an end product such as a JPG, PNG, or PDF. You can’t resell the Canva or PowerPoint template.
The Seasonal Printables Marathon Training is perfect for those of you who want to generate new streams of income online and learn how to create with PLR And Printables. When you purchase this course get access to amazing training and more to educate yourself and ensure your business succeeds!
Get 20% off any PLR printable products at PLRBeach.com by using this coupon:
See The Seasonal Printables Marathon Training For Yourself – Click HereOther Products You Might Like

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