Worry Journaling PLR Planner and Printables
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Worry Journaling PLR Planner and Printables By April Lemarr – Includes A Printable Journal, A Planner, Covers, Canva Templates And More With Commercial Use Rights
The Worry Journaling PLR Planner and Printables provides you with A Printable Journal, A Planner, Covers, Canva Templates And More. All files are easy to edit and publish so that you can create new unique products and PLR printables that you can sell for profit on your low content publishing store or use it yourself.
Introducing The…
Worry Journaling PLR Planner and Printables
This is exactly what you could be getting in the The Worry Journaling PLR Planner and Printables:
What’s Included:
- Worry Journal
- Journal eCover Canva Template
- Canva Affirmation Templates
- Worry Journaling Planner
- Workbook eCover Canva Template
- 5 Worry Journaling Printables in Powerpoint
First you’re going to get a 31-page journal that uses 30 different writing prompts to help your audience figure out how they can be free of worry, stress and anxiety.
These prompts are going to help your audience dig deep and figure out how they can let go of their worries and be more mindful of their emotions.
This journal is created in Powerpoint so that you can easily change anything inside, add your branding, re-arrange the questions or add your own. Powerpoint makes it easy to change the fonts, colors, layouts, and anything else you want to customize on each slide.
Canva eCover Templates for the Journal
You’re getting an eCover created in Powerpoint that you can easily change or trade it out for this Canva eCover. Both are easy to edit templates!
Everything is done for you – all you have to do is open it up in Canva, customize it with your own branding, and it’s ready to go.
20 Canva Affirmation Templates
Affirmations help reprogram the mind, and these affirmation templates can help your audience get motivated and inspired to release the negative emotions they feel.
You can put these in a bundle to sell as part of a product or put them up on your store as wall art.
You’ll get these in PNG format and as Canva Templates.
32-Page Stop Stress & Anxiety: Let it Go Planner Workbook
One of the first things that someone needs to do when they start worry journaling is to write down what their fears are, what inspires them, how things are impacting them, and what they need to do more of.
This workbook is created in Powerpoint so that you can easily change anything inside, add your branding, re-arrange the questions or add your own. Powerpoint makes it easy to change the fonts, colors, layouts, and anything else you want to customize on each slide.
- Worry Purge
- Word of the Day
- Trigger Tracker
- Mood Tracker
- Habit Tracker
- Anxiety Tracker
- Sleep Tracker
- And many more!
Planner Canva eCover Template
You’re getting an eCover created in Powerpoint that you can easily change or trade it out for this Canva eCover. Both are easy to edit templates!
Everything is done for you – all you have to do is open it up in Canva, customize it with your own branding, and it’s ready to go.
5 Pages of Worry Printables (Powerpoint)
Manage your worries with these 5 printables. These are also in Powerpoint, so in just a few minutes, you can have it customized with your own colors and fonts. You can even change the layouts or wording.
The Worry Printables include:
- Constructive Worry List
- Challenge My Worry
- How I React to Anxiety
- Sleep Tracker
- Stress Reduction Tracker
What you can and can’t do with Worry Journaling PLR Planner and Printables PLR Content:
[YES] Can be edited and modified in any way
[YES] Can be branded
[YES] Can put your name as the author
[YES] Can be used in a marketing materials for your business
[YES] May use the graphics on your site/blog
[YES] Can be translated to other languages
[YES] Can use the graphics to create and post videos on video sharing sites/blogs, etc.
[NO] Cannot claim copyright to the content since it is PLR
[NO] Cannot resell the packs
[NO] You may NOT sell or giveaway private label rights (non-transferable PLR)
[NO] Can be added to membership sites with resell and master resell rights
[NO] Cannot use my name as author
The Worry Journaling PLR Planner and Printables is the complete package if you’re looking for amazing printable journal templates, prompts and planner templates. You can buy it for your own use or simply sell it on your own publishing store with your branding to profit! Click the link below to learn more.
See The Worry Journaling PLR Planner and Printables For Yourself – Click HereOther Products You Might Like

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