Transformative Journaling DFY Template PLR Pack
in Affirmation PLR Journals , PLR Digital Pages , PLR Digital Planner Stickers , PLR Graphics and Clipart , PLR Journal Bundles , PLR Journal Prompts , PLR Journals , PLR Product Templates , PLR Workbooks , Print On Demand PLR , Spiritual PLR Journals , Success PLR JournalsChoose Your Desired Option(s)
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Transformative Journaling DFY Template PLR Pack By Gabby Conde – Includes Printable Journal Templates, Blog Posts, Stickers, And A Cover With Commercial Use Rights
The Transformative Journaling DFY Template PLR Pack provides you with Printable Journal Templates, Blog Posts, Stickers, And A Cover. All files are easy to edit so that you can create new unique products and PLR printables that you can sell for profit on your low content publishing store or use it yourself!
Introducing The…
Transformative Journaling DFY Template PLR Pack
This is exactly what you could be getting in the Transformative Journaling DFY Template PLR Pack:
This Done-For-You Package Includes:
5 Blog Posts
Topics Include:
- Transformative Journaling: Why It Is Important and How to Start Doing It (1441 words)
- Transformative Journaling, a Simple and Efficient Way to Achieve Peace (1181 words)
- The Ultimate Guide to Transforming Your Life by Journaling (1334 words)
- How to Be More Mindful and Purposeful When Writing in Your Journal (1078 words)
- How Transformative Journaling Can Help You Manifest Your Desires (1589 words)
You Also Get:
- 1 Cover Design in Canva, PowerPoint (PPTX) – Sizes include 8.5×11, 8×10, 6×9, A4 in color
- Journal Templates (21 interior pages) in Canva and PowerPoint
- 10 Sticker Graphics (JPG)
- PLR / Commercial Use Rights
Choose Your Package
Get the Full Package
This Package Comes With:
1. 5 Blog Posts
2. Journal Templates
3. 1 Watercolor Graphics
Planner Only Package
This Package Comes With:
1. Journal Templates
2. 1 Watercolor Graphics
Usage Rights
Here’s What You Can Do
- Can Be Used As Your Branding (Not Exclusive Rights)
- Can Be Used In Commercial Projects
- Can Edit/Change the Files in Any Way You Want
- Yes, You Can Create Stickers, Print-on-Demand Products, Planners, Journals, Coloring Books, Use in Membership Sites, and Create Any Other Type of Product for Commercial Use in an End Product (You Can Create a PDF File, a T-Shirt, Ebook, Blog Post, Planner, Journal, Etc)
- Use the graphics (s) to create an end product (any product you wish to create that requires some skill or effort) in one of these ways:
- A customized product using the item (social media posts, print-on-demand product)
- Any end product that uses the item along with other items in a larger body of work (planner, journal, stickers)
Here’s What You Cannot Do
- Cannot Resell Any of These Items As Individual Files on Marketplaces (Please No Listing the Source Files or Graphics on Creative Market or Etsy). No reselling PLR rights
- Cannot Pass On, Sell or Give Away These with PLR Rights, Commercial Use, or Master Resell Rights
- Cannot Use the Vectors in ANY FORMAT (including Procreate Brushes) that uses them as-is or passes on commercial use rights. These must be used in a for-sale product in the form of PDF or print-on-demand product
The Transformative Journaling DFY Template PLR Pack is just for you if you’re looking for amazing new PLR printable journal pack that can be used to create your own unique printables when purchased and rebranded! You can also buy these printable pages to sell on your store or use it for yourself. Perfect for you if you have a publishing business and are looking for new products or a printable journal pages. Click the link below to learn more!
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