Saucy Spring 28 Pastel Spring PLR Journal Templates
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Saucy Spring 28 Pastel Spring PLR Journal Templates By Diana Heuser – Includes Printable Journal Templates With Commercial Use Rights
The Saucy Spring 28 Pastel Spring PLR Journal Templates provides you with Printable Journal Templates. All files are easy to edit so that you can create new unique products and PLR printables that you can sell for profit on your low content publishing store or use it yourself!
Introducing The…
Saucy Spring 28 Pastel Spring PLR Journal Templates
This is exactly what you could be getting in the Saucy Spring 28 Pastel Spring PLR Journal Templates:
28 Pastel Spring Templates
Insert these JPG or PNG files directly into Word or PowerPoint to create a fresh unique journal or planner. Use text boxes to create labels and headings.
You can create multiple versions of the journal by changing fonts, adding new pages, and adding additional images.
Within 10 minutes you can have a brand new planner ready for publication on Createspace, a spiral-bound POD printer of your choice or convert it into a pdf and sell it on your website or a site like Etsy.
The bulk of the work is done for you. Now all you do is make it original with your creative flair.
See The Saucy Spring 28 Pastel Spring PLR Journal Templates For Yourself – Click HereTerms Of Use:
- Please note there are NO refunds as this is a PLR product.
- You may use this product for commercial use i.e. to create journals and planners to sell on e-commerce platforms or for clients.
- You MAY NOT sell this to other authors with PLR or MLR rights.
Once you purchase, you will receive a link to download your files.
The Saucy Spring 28 Pastel Spring PLR Journal Templates is just for you if you’re looking for amazing new PLR printable journal templates that can be used to create your own unique printables when purchased and rebranded! You can also buy these printable pages to sell on your store or use it for yourself. Perfect for you if you have a publishing business and are looking for new products or fresh journal printables. Click the link below to learn more!
See The Saucy Spring 28 Pastel Spring PLR Journal Templates For Yourself – Click HereOther Products You Might Like

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