Canva Template Transformation Video Training
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Customize PLR Planners With Design Elements Video Training By Carmen Chan – Includes Video Training That Will Show You How To Customize Basic Printable Templates Into Amazing New Designs
In this Customize PLR Planners With Design Elements Video Training you’ll learn exactly how to be successful when trying to make money online by providing you with the training and graphics that will help you and your business succeed, create and sell printable products for profit!
Introducing The…
Canva Template Transformation Video Training
This is exactly what you could be getting in the Canva Template Transformation Video Training:
Here are what you will learn from this bonus training:
- How I pick the planner templates included in Yadsia’s Canva course to design a planner niche to create.
- How I customize these basic templates to create a newly transformed planner with beautiful design.
- Over an hour of over-the-shoulder step-by-step video footage
- Newly Added! How I convert these customized Canva planner pages into a digital planner with tabs and hyperlinks in PowerPoint
- All graphics and fonts used are provided in Canva.
- All trainings are for Personal Use Only
The Canva Template Transformation Video Training is perfect for those of you who want to generate new streams of income online and learn how to edit, and create new printable products you can sell. When you purchase this course get access to amazing training and more to educate yourself and ensure your business succeeds!
See The Canva Template Transformation Video Training For Yourself – Click HereOther Products You Might Like

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