Birds of a Feather Fun Birds Drawings and Backgrounds PLR Coloring Pack
in PLR Activity Books , PLR Background Pages , PLR Coloring Pages , PLR Digital Pages , PLR Graphics and Clipart , PLR Printable Covers , PLR Product Templates , Print On Demand PLRChoose Your Desired Option(s)
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Birds of a Feather Fun Birds Drawings and Backgrounds PLR Coloring Pack By Marlene And Michelle – Includes Printable Drawings, Backgrounds And Covers With Private Label Commercial Licensing
The Birds of a Feather Fun Birds Drawings and Backgrounds PLR Coloring Pack provides you with New Printable Pages. All files are easy to edit so that you can create new unique products and PLR printables that you can sell for profit on your low content publishing store or use it yourself!
Introducing The…
Birds of a Feather Fun Birds Drawings and Backgrounds PLR Coloring Pack
This is exactly what you will be getting in the Birds of a Feather Fun Birds Drawings and Backgrounds PLR Coloring Pack:
What You Get:
- 20 Fun Birds Drawings
- 20 Backgrounds:
- 10 Without Borders
- 10 With Borders
- 10 DFY Editable Covers
You Also Get:
Birds of a Feather Drawings & Backgrounds In Full Color
Easily Create Your Own Unique Covers! Use the color drawings and backgrounds to create unique covers for your books.
17 Extra B & W Images
Make your coloring pages even more unique! With these extra images you can truly go to town!
See The Birds of a Feather Fun Birds Drawings and Backgrounds PLR Coloring Pack For Yourself – Click HereThe Birds of a Feather Fun Birds Drawings and Backgrounds PLR Coloring Pack Licensing Terms:
- You CAN use the Coloring Pages & bonuses for personal use, and to create Low Content Books to upload to your own personal Amazon KDP account.
- You CAN use the Coloring Pages & Bonuses to create downloadable, printable items and books to sell on your own site or other sales platforms.
- You CANNOT add any of the materials to paid or free membership sites
- You CANNOT add any of the materials to file/image sharing sites
- You CANNOT sell or give away any of the source files individually or in any other form
- You CANNOT sell or give away PLR rights, resell rights, master resell rights or any other rights to any of the files
The Birds of a Feather Fun Birds Drawings and Backgrounds PLR Coloring Pack is just for you if you’re looking for amazing new PLR printable Coloring Pack that can be used to create your own unique printables when purchased and rebranded! You can also buy these printables to sell on your store or use it for yourself. Perfect for you if you have a publishing business and are looking for new products or a printable pack. Click the link below to learn more!
See The Birds of a Feather Fun Birds Drawings and Backgrounds PLR Coloring Pack For Yourself – Click Here
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